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Wiseed Roadshow at Bpifrance - part 10

Windy wantee

 On October 9, 2014, Wiseed (first French platform for equity crowdfunding) held its second roadshow to advertise young businesses looking for equity funding. The venue was at Bpifrance (Banque Publique d'Investissement) headquarters in Paris.

 Wiseed Roadshow at Bpifrance cartoons : 
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Presentation of NewWind : "Eolian energy reinvented". Jérôme Michaud-Larivière, founder, details its l'arbre à vent (the wind tree) product : a tree-shaped electricity production system. Tree leaves are mini-windmills. The wind tree can exploit all types of wind blowing from all directions. It also uses the air turbulence encountered in urban or rural areas. The wind tree is a local eco-friendly solution. No line losses, a very low carbon footprint, a totally silent operation, making it very acceptable by the neighbourhood.
 Air movement creates electricity
 Wiseed Roadshow at Bpifrance cartoons : 
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Fix le 10.10.14 à 20:03 dans Economie - Lu 2316 fois - Version imprimable
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