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Wiseed Roadshow at Bpifrance - part 9

Clean sweep

On October 9, 2014, Wiseed (first French platform for equity crowdfunding) held its second roadshow to advertise young businesses looking for equity funding. The venue was at Bpifrance (Banque Publique d'Investissement) headquarters in Paris.

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Pierre Lafon, Chief Executive Officer, presents 1 Check : "the first pure web solution with tablet application, to optimize services and costs in the hotel and catering sectors". 

Did you know, for instance, that a head housekeeper has to walk (or sometimes run) many kilometers a day in a hotel to check if the rooms have been well cleaned ? With her 1 Check tablet, she would know what has been done, by whom, and when. The cleaning staff is also equipped with a tablet, and reports easily. Altogether, the hotel management has a tool (interfaced with its reservation system) that allows fine grained control of quality, statistics, better management of security and incidents, better lost and found service, etc.

A key quality of the 1 Check project : it has been founded and designed by a person skilled in the field, Virginie Lafon, an experienced head housekeeper who was distinguished in 2011 by the Meilleur Ouvrier de France ("Best Cratfman of France") award.

(Cartoon below : no offence meant to anybody)
If only Nafissatou Diallo had used the 1 Check system

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Fix le 10.10.14 à 20:01 dans Economie - Lu 2022 fois - Version imprimable
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